30 Years Of Experience

Glossary of Terms

Glossary- Meet and Beat the Jargon

Glossary- Meet and Beat the Jargon

Aged Care Assessment Team- traditionally this is the team that assesses whether someone is eligible for a federally funded package of care and the type of package of care someone can be eligible for, and also the level of care for residential care and residential respite.

The Aged Care Reforms mean that there are changes to how these teams will work over the coming years.   www.myagedcare.gov.au

Commonwealth Carer Respite Services- provide information and in some cases funded support services to assist people who are primary carers for people who are aged or have a disability.

Our clients often receive services through multiple funding models such as respite through CCRS, packaged care through a Home Care Package provider and extra services funded privately by the client or family. Because we are preferred providers for many CCRS and package providers we can provide all these services using the same Careworker to one client. It may sound confusing, so don’t hesitate to ask us how we can help you to find your way to maximize the opportunities available.

To contact your local CCRS call 1800 052 222

These are the different names given to our caring staff in community care. They all mean the same and describe a person who has been trained with a Certificate III in Aged Care, Home and Community Care or Disability to provide care support services to people in their homes, in the community or in residential care facilities. Usually they are able to provide all types of care including showering, dressing, cleaning, escorting, shopping and so on.

A carer is a person who provides support to a loved one, family member or sometimes a neighbor or friend and is not paid to do so.

“Home and Community Care provides funding for services which support frail older people, younger people with disabilities and their carers. These services provide basic support and maintenance to people living at home and whose capacity for independent living is at risk, or who are at risk of premature or inappropriate admission to long-term residential care”

In Victoria HACC services are usually provided through local councils and changes are expected with the Aged Care Reforms over the next few years. For more information:


“Home Care” is the new name the Federal Government is using for all care services that are provided to people living at home. The care may happen at home or may involve taking the person into the community- such as shopping, to activity programs or to appointments

“Domestic Care” refers to assistance in maintaining the home in a hygienic, clean and safe way. Worksafe guidelines apply – so Careworkers aren’t allowed to lift anything heavier than 5 kgs, or use products that can be harmful if exposed to for long periods of time such as bleach.

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