30+ Years Experience

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Homewell welcomes all types of feedback from our clients, their families, and our staff as it helps us improve our services and client experience.

Feedback includes:

  • Compliments: These are things that you think we’re doing well or may be recognition of a person who has helped you.
  • Suggestions: Your ideas on how we can improve things or do things better.
  • Complaints: A complaint can be about a person, a service or something you have experienced.

To provide feedback to us:

  • Complete the online form, or
  • Contact us : (03) 9374 2100
  • Email us:

What happens once we receive your feedback?

We will acknowledge your feedback by either email or phone as soon as practicable. A member of our Quality and Risk team may contact you to gather additional information.

Feedback form:

External Contacts

If you are not happy with the outcome and wish to lodge a complaint to an external agency, please find their details below:


  • Disability Services Commissioner (DSC): The DSC is an independent body that can assist in resolving complaints about Victorian disability service providers. You can visit their website or phone 1800 677 342
  • Office of the Public Advocate (OPA): The OPA promotes the rights, interests and dignity of people with disability (specifically intellectual impairment, mental illness, brain injury, physical disability or dementia) living in Victoria. You can visit their website or phone 1300 309 337.
  • Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC): The HCC resolves complaints about healthcare and the handling of health information in Victoria. You can visit their website or phone 1300 582 113
  • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. It oversees the quality of services provided by Victorian organisations. You can visit their website or phone 1800 035 544. Interpreters can be arranged. Complete online form

Home Care Packages

  • Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC): The role of the ACQSC’s is to protect and enhance the safety, health, well-being and quality of life of people receiving aged care. It is the national end-to-end regulator of aged care services and the primary point of contact for consumers and providers in relation to quality and safety. You can visit their website or phone 1800 951 822
  • Elder Rights Advocacy (ERA): Elder Rights Advocacy supports older people, their families and representatives in Victoria to address issues related to Commonwealth funded aged care services. You can visit their website or phone 1800 700 600
  • Older Person’s Advocacy Network (OPAN): Older Persons Advocacy Network’s free services support older people and their representatives to address Commonwealth funded aged care services issues. You can visit their website or phone 1800 700 600.