30 Years Of Experience

How to get a My Aged Care Referral Code

Elderly Lady using computer

Are you or a family member navigating life changes as a result of ageing? Identifying the resources available to you can be a process, but the Australian Government’s My Aged Care system is designed to simplify this experience. With a great level of support available to ageing individuals, learning about these resources can be a powerful way to make sure this new season is navigated as smoothly as possible.

My Aged Care is the Australian Government system responsible for providing support to ageing and elderly Australians. Accessible online, over the phone or in person, you can visit their website to learn more about the types of aged care services available, to initiate an assessment of individual needs and identify eligibility for supports, and find information on accessing the appropriate type of care. My Aged Care is responsible for issuing referral codes, which allow people to access supports and services via their assigned Home Care Package.

My Aged Care referral codes

A My Aged Care referral code is a unique number assigned to an individual when their Home Care Package is approved by the My Aged Care team. This code is required to access services and supports from a wide variety of providers.

This referral code is passed on to prospective providers, who are then able to access your ACAT/ACAS assessment. This assessment contains all relevant information about your needs and requirements, and is also the link that allows your provider to confirm themselves as suppliers who can access your Home Care Package funding on your behalf.

Older person typing on computer

Accessing a My Aged Care referral

Referral codes are the result of My Aged Care assessments. This process commences when you register for My Aged Care. No referral is necessary in order to apply for these subsidies.

You can register with My Aged Care by calling 1800 200 422. You’re also able to have someone call on your behalf if assistance is necessary. It’s best to allow up to 30 minutes for the initial phone call, which will result in your registration for My Aged Care and the arrangement of an in-home assessment.

The in-home assessment will be completed by a My Aged Care team member, who’ll visit you at your home or in the hospital to assess your ongoing needs. This process will involve asking you and your loved ones about your current support systems, needs and ongoing considerations for your personal care and wellbeing.

How the My Aged Care referral code is used

Each referral code is unique, giving your care provider access to your care documents and assessments. They can use this information to assess if they’re the right provider for your needs. If they confirm that they’re an appropriate service provider, this referral code is then used to finish the sign-up process, enabling them to access your Home Care Package funding on your behalf. Once this is complete, they can commence their support work.

The difference between a My Aged Care referral code and a CHSP referral code

Referral codes take the form of an individual number that starts with 1-, followed by eight or more other numbers.

You may receive a letter from My Aged Care that has multiple codes. These may be CHSP referral codes, rather than your My Aged Care referral code, which allows you to receive interim funding while waiting for your Home Care Package to be assigned.

Examples of a HCP referral code include:


Switching providers

If you find yourself needing to switch providers, the best place to start is by checking your existing Home Care Agreement. This may include details around notice periods and exit amounts which can impact your funding allocations.

If you decide to switch providers, you’ll need to let My Aged Care know, who will then reactivate your referral code. This new code can then be given to your new provider, who need it in order to begin providing you with their services.

You also need to let your current provider know who is obligated to work with you to help ease the transition between providers. A transition date will be agreed to that allows the handover to take place without any interruption to your support or any loss of funding.

If you need any support switching home care providers, our friendly team is available to ensure the process is as seamless as possible. Contact us by clicking here.

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