30 Years Of Experience


Community Support Workers supporting clients

Homewell provides a full range of services to support people to live a full and meaningful life at home. 

For some, this may mean supervising personal care, while for others it’s a helping hand with domestic duties, shopping, or accompaniment to appointments. Our approach to care is based on the Active Model, ensuring our clients remain as independent as possible by assisting only with the tasks they need help with and encouraging them to do as much as they can for themselves.

We understand that while people may be able to perform certain tasks, doing so may tire them out and prevent them from doing other things that are more important to them later in the day. To strike a good balance, we document our approach in a Care Plan, maintain flexibility, and regularly review the plan.

Homewell also provides “top-up” services for individuals living in retirement villages or residential care facilities where the facility itself cannot provide the level of care the individual needs. This may include assistance with meal times, accompaniment to appointments, and companionship. Our services can be provided in any setting, including the home, retirement villages, nursing homes, and hospitals as required.

We offer supported outings and getaways for individuals and groups, tailoring our care journey to meet their needs and wants. Below is a list of some of our services, but for more information, please contact us to learn why we have been trusted by thousands of Melbourne locals for over two decades.

Our carers can assist with tasks such as showering, grooming, dressing, toileting, and getting in and out of bed, enabling you to maintain your independence and dignity in the comfort of your own home. Click here to read more about our Personal Care service.

We offer cleaning, shopping, and maintenance services for your home to help provide a safe and comfortable environment. Our household maintenance services aim to keep your home clean, hygienic, and safe. Click here to read more about our Domestic Care service.

We provide a range of respite options – allowing you regular carers and family members to have greater flexibility. Click here to read more about our respite care services.

At Homewell, we provide a range of transport services to support our clients in attending appointments, events, and activities all across Melbourne. Our team of dedicated Care and support workers takes pride in supporting clients to get where they need to go, and enjoy their experiences to the fullest. Click here to read more about our transport support service.

Our Care and Support Workers are always available to offer companionship services to individuals of all ages and abilities. Whether it’s a brief visit for an hour or an entire day spent together, we can provide support whenever it’s needed. Click here to find out more about our companionship service.

At Homewell, we provide meal preparation services to help with the preparation and consumption of meals, as well as ensuring adequate drinks are had. Our Care and Support Workers can visit daily during meal times to assist you. Click here to learn more about this service.

Homewell offers a range of nursing services to ensure that you or your loved one receives holistic clinical care, without having to leave the comfort of your home. Whether you are recovering from a recent operation or illness, have recently left hospital or need specialised treatment, if you are an individual on a Home Care Package you can engage our highly skilled nurses for one-off, or short-term support. Click here to learn more about this service.

Our Care and Support workers can pick up clients and take them out for their weekly shopping trip. This service can include not only grocery shopping, but also bill payments, window shopping, or even a coffee or lunch outing, depending on the client’s wishes and availability. Click here to learn more about this service.

Homewell offers in-house support services in Residential Care Facilities and Retirement Villages our services include providing adequate assistance with mealtimes or to provide one-on-one engagement, such as a walk to the park or sharing the daily news. Click here to read more about our top up service.

Homewell provides a full range of services to support  people to live a full and meaningful life at home.

For some people that means supervising personal care, for others it’s a hand with domestic duties, shopping or escorting to appointments. We use the Active Model of care to ensure our clients remain as independent as possible, assisting only with the tasks they need help with and ensuring or encouraging them to do as much for themselves as possible or practical.  We understand that sometimes people can do tasks for themselves, but by doing them they may then be too tired to do other things later in the day of equal or more importance to them, so we look at a good balance, document it in a Care Plan, allow for flexibility, and review regularly. ‘Top up’ services to those living in retirement villages or residential care facilities, where the amount of care required for the individual is not able to be provided by the village or facility itself, is another type of service that Homewell provides.  For some this is assisting at meal times, taking out to appointments, companionship, infact any of the services we provide can be provided in any setting- the home, retirement villages, nursing homes, even hospitals, where required. Through our S.C.A.R.F. Programs we provide supported outings and getaways for individuals and groups.  A wonderful example is our Wednesday SCARF program an outing based activity group that has been running in the western suburbs since 2008- as well as our SCARF Getaways that we have provided to  a variety of Commonwealth Carer Respite Services and other funded organizations  for over 10 years. All Services  can be provided for a minimum of one hour, right through to 24 hour care.  Our fees are available on request, and rest assured, they are based on Homewell providing you with best practice care, based on the Federal Government’s  Community Care Standards,  provided by well trained and totally insured Careworkers and coordinated and supervised by an excellent Administration team and in-house After Hours Service. As per industry standards, fees are updated in July each year.  Terms and Conditions relating to our services should be read in conjunction with our current Price List.  Some of the most common questions are covered in the FAQs section of our website.

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